
The Brilliant Scheme   I randomly get ideas, whether it be end world hunger or starting a blog. I do it, I just go for an idea and run for it. People say its ambitious or rather productive, but I would have to disagree. Its actually quite counter productive. When I said I get ideas, never did I say I actually follow though with them. Examples of this could include: the two inch scarf I attempted to knit last year, the soccer cleats I have from two years ago (I should probably get rid of those), or even the hundreds of song lyrics I have created knowing very much that they will never see the light of day (news-flash I definitely cannot sing, its actually a tragedy for everyone involved), but I attempted. That has got to account for something right? Not technically, but here is my new attempt at trying something new. The difference between blogging and all the other things I attempted? I enjoy writing, and it gives me a voice. The other things were things others  enjoyed and I had hope